Sno-Caps®, despite their chilly name, will not survive a warm afternoon. In fact, I’ve discovered that they barely survive a half an hour in the car on a humid day. Instead, all that is left after a proper cooking is a white polka dotted chocolate blob.
Have no fear though! When refrozen (yes, I saved the box), the little droplets do have the same rich dark flavor they had in their former lives.
I should have known better than to leave the box in the car. Part of the candy’s appeal is their meltability over popcorn at the movie theatre. A shake and a rattle out of the box and Sno-Caps turn already addicting movie popcorn into a treat that would know the socks off of Poppycock.
Sno-Caps made their debut onto the candy stage in the 1920s when the Blumenthal Chocolate Company gifted the shrunken nonpareils to movie goers. The product originated as a large milk chocolate disk, but the size was too large for mass production as the candy measured over 2.5 inches in diameter.
Sno-Caps made their debut onto the candy stage in the 1920s when the Blumenthal Chocolate Company gifted the shrunken nonpareils to movie goers. The product originated as a large milk chocolate disk, but the size was too large for mass production as the candy measured over 2.5 inches in diameter.
*** A bit of candy trivia for you Simmons College girls; Sno-Caps were originally named Bob White.***
Traditional nonpareils are named after the small white “sprinkles” that cover their tops. According to Wikipedia (no I don’t speak French), in French nonpareils means without equal. I have to agree even when they are a melted mess, Sno-Caps and their heafty cousins are worth a good Pick ’n ‘ Mix or box.